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Note:  Please do not send us suggestions for resources to be added to this page.  While there are many worthy causes out there, we simply get too many emails with suggestions and do not have time to research them all.

Index to Resources: [Updated4/4/2018]
Tax Forms and Publications
Children's Rights Council
Useful Web Sites
Elder Law and Estate Planning
End of Life Care
Interesting Books
United States Supreme Court Decisions
Teen Advice Online
Minnesota Law Moose (Minnesota and Eighth Circuit Law)
Resources For Talking To Your Children About Tragedies Such As 9/11
Listing of Legal Aid Resources For Low Income Litigants
Ramsey County Jail Bookings
Sheriff's Jail Roster--Hennepin County
Determining Discounts of Family Business--Schechter Fall 2007 [PDF]
Divorce, Double Dipping and the Family Schechter Fall 2007  [PDF]
MN Kinship Caregivers Association
Spanish Organizations With Domestic Abuse And Parenting Classes
Minnesota Department Of Human Services Child Support Home Page --Online vocational assessment tests, college and vocational school options, job outlooks, apply for financial aid, assistance programs, etc. etc. all in one place.
Headway Emotional Health Services
Rehab Info--Comprehensive information about addiction, treatment options and the path to full recovery.
Recovery Info Minnesota--Outpatient and Inpatient Drug Treatment Centers in Minnesota Minneapolis--Outpatient and Inpatient Drug Treatment Centers in Minneapolis
Quit smoking help
American Cancer Society: Lots of good information about cancer, research, quitting smoking etc. Information about dangerous drugs and medical devices.  Resources for teens and parents concerning substance abuse.
Divorce Camp Info
Five Myths About Domestic Violence

The Minnesota Supreme Court has approved online divorce education courses such as the Center for Divorce Education's "Children In Between" class. Click here for more information about the program and to register. [Index]

Children's Rights Council--"The Best Parent Is Both Parents" can be ordered for $10 plus $2 shipping and handling from The Children's Rights Council, 220 Eye St. N.E., Suite 140, Washington, D.D. 20002-4362. [Index]

Elder Law and Estate Planning--Links to sites concerned with elder law and estate planning, [Index]

End-of-Life Care--Living wills and durable powers of attorney are two ways to help specify your wishes for end-of-life care. Call the Senior Linkage Line at 1-800-333-2433 for more information and to order forms.

The Minnesota Hospice Organization has a free booklet "Choosing Hospice: A Consumer's Guide. Call (612) 659-0423.

The Allina Foundation, sponsor of Project Decide has directed a great deal of study on health care at life's end. Call (612) 992-2444 for their findings.

Here is a short reading list on death:

How We Die: Reflections of Life's Final Chapter, by Sherwin B. Nuland, M.D.

A Midwife Through the Dying Process: Stories of Healing & Hard Choices at the End of Life, by Timothy E. Quill, M.D.

Dying Well: The Prospect for Growth at the End of Life, by Ira Byock, M.D.

Wrong Medicine: Doctors, Patients and Futile Treatment, by Lawrence J. Schneiderman, M.D., and Nancy Jecker, Ph.D.

Intimate Death: How the Dying Teach Us How to Live, by Marie de Hennezel. [

Interesting Books

A Child Called "It" and The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer

Poverty: A Framework for Understanding and Working with Students and Adults from Poverty by Dr. Ruby Payne

The Book of David, How Preserving Families Can Cost Children's Lives by Richard J. Gelles

Complex Issues in Child Custody Evaluations by Philip M. Stahl [

Minnesota Law Moose-- The best site for information on Minnesota and Eighth Circuit Law. The Moose is an excellent one-stop site for links to forms, state law, opinions, legal newspapers, judges and other useful information. One of its best features in its translation service that allows documents to be translated from English to several other languages, including Spanish, and back to English.Moose also contains a link to Minnesota's legal periodicals index at the Minnesota State Law Library.

Tax Forms and Publications--You can download any IRS tax form and instructions from the IRS web site at This site also has links to most state tax services where you can download state tax forms. [Index]

Teen Advice Online-- A web site for teenagers, run by teenagers, offers counseling, advice on dating, chat with other teens and links to a number of Internet resources. The links include physical/sexual abuse, AIDS/HIV, disabilities, disorders, drugs/alcohol, health, pregnancy/abortion/adoption, sexuality and others. [Index]

Useful Web Sites--This list is not an endorsement of any organization or individual.

American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law,
Child Welfare League of America,
Children's Defense Fund,
Family Attachment and Counseling Center of Minnesota,
Minnesota State Legislature, 
National Indian Child Welfare Association,
Northstar--Minnesota State Government online,   [Index]

Resources for Talking with Children About Tragedies

These resources were published after the 9/11 tragedy, but apply to most tragedies/disasters such as 9/11, Challenger, Columbia, Columbine, airplane crashes etc.

American Psychological Association:

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry:

Some general advice from the experts includes:

1. Continuously reassure your children that you will help to keep them safe.

2. Turn off the TV. Overexposure to the media can be traumatizing. If your older children are watching the news, be sure to watch with them.

3. Be aware that your child's age will affect his or her response. Adolescents in particular may be hard hit by these
kinds of events. Obtaining counseling for a child or adolescent soon after a disaster may reduce long-term effects.

4. Calmly express your emotions, but remember that a composed demeanor will provide a greater sense of security for your child.

5. Give your children extra time and attention and plan to spend more time with your children in the following months.

6. Let your children ask questions, talk about what happened, and express their feelings.

7. Play with children who can't talk yet to help them work out their fears and respond to the atmosphere around them.

8. Keep regular schedules for activities such as eating, playing and going to bed to help restore a sense of security and normalcy.

9. Consider how you and your child can help. Children are better able to regain their sense of power and security if they feel they can help in some way.

Spanish Organizations With Domestic Abuse And Parenting Classes: in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Both domestic abuse and parenting classes. Offers some services in Spanish though their client base is women only.

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